Propelled by my own thoughts stated in a previous post where I said something to the effect that "I didn't even know what a blog was" I did some reading.
Over the past two days, I've read tons of blogs. There are literally 100s of millions of them out there addressing as many topics. I found that the experience was similar to going to a bookstore after a while - that old saying, "You can't judge a book by it's cover" even though that's exactly and consistently what we all do. There were so many that my brain simply couldn't take all of them in. There had to be some way of 'sorting' all this information. I found myself reading the blogs that looked a certain way or were constructed following my own definition of visually attractive and functionally identifiable. Is that fair? Probably not, but it helped.
I've decided what I'm not going to write about. I'm not going to write about the hardships of being the single parent of two teen-aged boys one of whom is Autistic. Who cares? -Really. Would it help me? Again, probably not. Instead, I'm going to work on finding ways to cope that fit my family and my situation. Solutions that we come up with - that we can live with. I'll keep this between my and my boys since we're the ones who are affected by these choices. My kids are great, but they're not public property. And (here's the crux of it) - I don't like admitting that I can't solve issues on my own, that I need help - so I conditionally disregard most all advice deciding instead to soldier on through my own war zone finding solutions that I can own entirely and therefore have a better chance of fully committing to.
I'm not going to write about the fact that I'm tired of making school lunches every day and that I'm glad school is almost over because, honestly, if this is my biggest obstacle during the day I would have thought I'd died and gone to heaven! Besides, summer camp starts in two weeks which will require more lunches, money, sunscreen, clothing and cash. It never ends so why hope that it might. I'll choose to simply deal with it - as graciously as possible while secretly cursing those for whom this is truly a hardship. What kind of life must that be?
I'm not going to write about how hard it is to be a working Mom and all the things I miss because I have to spend time earning a living. This is life - whether I work outside the home as well as inside. Like it or lump it as they say. But who said you can't choose both? A world of complicated, conflicting logistics is not uncommon so why are people so surprised that they have to apply simple business practices to their home life and figure out things like what to wear?, what to eat? when to spend time with family?
I'm not going to post pictures of food that I made. Even when it's good, it could be better. I started a new job as a Quality Systems Supervisor last year. In the middle of it I learned something about myself. That is that I've been doing this all my life! I've always been able to see the potential that things hold. Whether it's people, buildings, places, spaces, processes, ideas, recipes, down to the most insignificant minutiae like the color/shade/tint/grey tone of paint . . . I understand how changing the details can change the entire outcome. You can't imagine how hard this makes almost everything. Nothing is ever 'good enough' or could at least be better if someone just thought for a second. Everything can be altered and made to fit, work or be better, more useful version of whatever it is. And perfection is absolutely subjective. I've had to learn that acceptance is just as important as expectation.
With that said, I'm still trying to define exactly what this blog is about. So far, I believe it is simply a collection of seemingly random thoughts of a insatiably curious, pretty smart girl who's really never been told that anything is unachievable. Well ...that's not entirely correct. I chose not to believe it every single time it was as a matter of course. There were a lot of them. What can I say? I'm a cynic, a skeptic and have an stunningly positive attitude. How does that work?!
I will write about my hopes instead.
Congrats to Laura Dekker!
13 years ago
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